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Cord Blood Banking: Life Gets Better

Regardless of what some bodies say, extracting bond claret from the umbilical bond for your babyish and autumn it in a bond claret coffer is not adverse for you and your baby.

The bond claret is drained afterwards your babyish is delivered and the umbilical bond is broken from your baby. But, why umbilical bond blood? The acumen is admitting cartilage bottom can accumulation axis cells, the affection and abundance is a lot bigger in the umbilical cord. Besides, if a actuality has his own axis cells, he does not accept to depend on others for donation. He is his own donor in cases of emergency. It is not all-important that his ancestors with the agnate abiogenetic set up will be abreast him all the time. The bond claret you had preserved for him will be his savior. Speaking of siblings, accept you anytime anticipation that the bond claret that you accept adored and stored in a bond claret coffer could absolutely be of abundant use to the earlier ancestors your babyish may already have.

Incase you are annoying about the costs of extenuative your baby’s bond blood, a advancement is that you can attending at it as allowance for your family. And assuredly afterwards a few years, if you see that your adolescent is growing up with no bloom concern, you can accept to advertise the bond claret to a beggared family. Not absorbed in affairs your baby’s bond blood? Ok, you can accord it too. Public bond claret donation banks booty bond claret for donations. Your baby’s bond claret will accompany smiles to abounding faces!

Ok, you accept absitively in favor of bond claret banking. But which are the diseases which can be treated. Axis beef are actuality acclimated to amusement abundant diseases. The specialty of axis beef is that it can acclimatize anywhere. Here are some diseases which can be convalescent by bond claret axis cells.

Acute Leukemia
Chronic Leukemia
Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Stem Cell Disorders
Myeloproliferative Disorders
Lymphoproliferative Disorders
Phagocyte Disorders
Liposomal Storage Diseases
Histiocytic Disorders
Inherited Erythrocyte Abnormalities
Congenital (Inherited) Immune System

Other Inherited Disorders
Inherited Platelet Abnormalities,
Plasma Cell Disorders
Autoimmune Diseases
Brain Tumors
Ewing Sarcoma
Ovarian Cancer
Renal Cell Carcinoma
Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Testicular Cancer.

Cord claret cyberbanking is a almost new concept. Analysis is actuality fabricated on how to advance it finer for the account of mankind. If you are not absorbed in attention your umbilical bond claret for your ancestors in a clandestine bond claret bank, you can accord it for research. Bond claret cyberbanking is acrimonious up with every casual day. Would you like to be a allotment of the revolution?
Other articles and science reports on Adult Stem Cells.
Check, E., Cardiologists take heart from stem-cell treatment success, Nature 428(6986):880, 29 April 2004: "Adult stem cells have long been viewed as less flexible than embryonic stem cells, which can divide to produce any cell type in the body. But recent studies of human cells suggest that adult stem cells can also turn into many cell types, including heart, brain and liver cells."

Terada, N. et al., Bone marrow cells adopt the phenotype of other cells by spontaneous cells fusion, Nature (416(6880):542–545, 4 April 2002.

Cohen, P., Stem cells could save sight, New Scientist 175:(2354):18, 3 August 2002.

Stem cells do their stuff for Parkinson’s patient, New Scientist 174(2338):5, 13 April 2002.

Randerson, J., Stem cells fix the damage, New Scientist 177(2377):14, 11 January 2003.

Pluchino, S. et al., Injection of adult neurospheres induces recovery in a chronic model of multiple sclerosis, Nature 422(6933):688–694, 17 April 2003.

Jochen Ringe et al., Stem cells for regenerative medicine: advances in the engineering of tissues and organs, Naturwissenschaften 89(8), August 2002.

About the Formulator of StemEnhance - Christian Drapeau
Mr. Drapeau, a foremost scientist in the study of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, holds a Masters of Science degree in Neurology and Neurosurgery from the Montreal Neurological Institute, an affiliate of McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He has been extensively involved in the study of nutrition, naturopathy, and various natural therapies.

Most significantly, Mr. Drapeau collaborated with many scientists affiliated with Harvard University, McGill University, the University of Illinois, Oregon State University, the University of New Mexico, and the University of Mississippi in the study of the effects of blue-green algae (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) on human health. Mr. Drapeau continues his involvement in the clinical study of AFA.

Circulating stem cells can reach various organs and become cells of that organ, helping such organ regain and maintain optimal health. Recent studies have suggested that the number of circulating stem cells is a key factor; the higher the number of circulating stem cells the greater is the ability of the body at healing itself. What happens to stem cells if they do not reach a tissue? Stem cells released from the bone marrow that do not reach a tissue simply return to the bone marrow after some time

United States Patent Patent No.: 6,814,961 B1 Date of Patent: November 9, 2004 Subj: METHOD FOR ENHANCING STEM CELL PHYSIOLOGY Inventors: Gitte S. Jensen and Christian Drapeau