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Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Information

The truly differentiates regenerative medicine from many current therapies is that regenerative medicine has the potential to provide a cure to failing or impaired tissues.

What is regenerative medicine?
Regenerative medicine is an applied field of tissue engineering that holds the realistic promise of regenerating damaged tissues in vivo (in the living body) and externally creating �tissues for life� available for implantation. Through research and products developed from this field, previously untreatable diseases will become easily and routinely cured.

How regenerative medicine works
Regenerative medicine is the application of tissue science, tissue engineering, and related biological and engineering principles that restore the structure and function of damaged tissues and organs. This new field encompasses many novel approaches to treatment of disease and restoration of biological function through the following methods:
* Using therapies that prompt the body to autonomously regenerate damaged tissues
* Using tissue engineered implants to prompt regeneration
* Direct transplantation of healthy tissues into damaged environments

Collectively, these treatments allow for two substantial advances over current medicine. The first advance is the potential to in vivo (in the living body) regenerate currently irreparably damaged tissues so that they return to full functionality. The second advance is to be able to produce tissues in vitro (in the laboratory) to be used for transplantation purposes when regeneration is not possible. This technology has the potential to cure diseases ranging from diabetes (through regeneration of islets) to the repair of cancerous tissues (by replacing the removed cancerous tissue with externally grown healthy tissue). By creating these tissues for life, regenerative medicine treatments will undoubtedly lead to a tremendous improvement in quality of life and healthcare.

Regenerative medicine helps natural healing processes to work faster, or to repair missing or damaged tissue that would not ordinarily have regrown. Strategies include transplants of stem cells, the use of scaffold materials, and biochemical orders issued to cells. Regenerative therapies have been demonstrated (in trials or the laboratory) to heal broken bones, bad burns, blindness, deafness, heart damage, nerve damage, Parkinson's disease and other conditions. Work continues to bring these advances to patients.

Regenerative medicine will help to produce extended healthy longevity, as we will be able to repair some of the damage caused by aging, organ by organ. Aging damages every part of our bodies, however - including the stem cells required for regenerative therapies! Until we can address the root causes of age-related degeneration, we must learn how to regenerate every part of the human body. We must also become capable of reliably preventing and defeating cancer in all its forms and repairing age-related damage to the brain in situ - increasing risk of cancer with age cannot be prevented through regenerative medicine, and the brain cannot simply be replaced with new tissue.

These tasks will be a mammoth undertaking. Nonetheless, like all great advances in medicine, it is a worthy, noble cause. Today, hundreds of millions of people live in pain and suffering - and will eventually die - as a result of degenerative conditions of aging. Today, we stand within reach of alleviating all this death and anguish, preventing it from ever occuring again. We should rise to the challenge!

All of the most impressive demonstrations of regenerative medicine since the turn of the century have used varying forms of stem cells - embryonic, adult, and most recently induced pluripotent stem cells - to trigger healing in the patient. A great deal of press attention, for example, has been given to successes in alleviating life-threatening heart conditions. However, successes have been demonstrated in repairing damage in other organs - such as the liver, kidneys, and so forth.

Improvements made in engineering heart repair patches from stem cells

Univ. of Washington (UW) advisers accept succeeded in engineering animal tissue patches chargeless of some problems that accept balked stem-cell adjustment for damaged hearts.

Video clips show that the heart repair patch was engineered from a mix of stem cells in the University of Washington laboratory of Dr. Charles Murry. The tissue patch is shown beating spontaneously and synchronously in a lab dish.

The annular patches can be bogus in sizes alignment from beneath than a millimeter to a half-inch in diameter. Until now, engineering tissue for affection adjustment has been bedfast by beef dying at the displace core, because nutrients and oxygen accomplished the edges of the application but not the center. To accomplish affairs worse, the axle abstracts to position the beef generally accepted to be harmful.

Heart tissue patches composed alone of affection beef beef couldn't abound big abundant or survive continued abundant to booty authority afterwards they were built-in in rodents, the advisers acclaimed in their article, appear aftermost ages in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The advisers absitively to attending at the achievability of architecture new tissue with accumulation curve for the oxygen and nutrients that active beef require.

The scientists testing this idea are from the UW Center for Cardiovascular Biology and the UW Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, under the guidance of senior author Dr. Charles "Chuck" Murry, professor of pathology and bioengineering. The lead author is Dr. Kelly R. Stevens, a UW doctoral student in bioengineering who came up with solutions to the problems observed in previous grafts. The study is part of a collaborative tissue engineering effort called BEAT (Biological Engineering of Allogeneic Tissue).

Stevens and her fellow researchers added two other types of cells to the heart muscle cell mixture. These were cells similar to those that line the inside of blood vessels and cells that provide the vessel's muscular support. All of the heart muscle cells were derived from embryonic stem cells, while the vascular cells were derived from embryonic stem cells or a variety of more mature sources such as the umbilical cord. The resulting cell mixture began forming a tissue containing tiny blood vessels.

"These were rudimentary blood vessel networks like those seen early in embryonic development," Murry said.

In contrast to the heart muscle cell-only tissue, which failed to survive transplantation and which remained apart from the rat's heart circulatory system, the pre-formed vessels in the mixed-cell tissue joined with the rat's heart circulatory system and delivered rat blood to the transplanted graft.

"The viability of the transplanted graft was remarkably improved," Murry observed. "We think the gain in viability is due to the ability for the tissue to form blood vessels."

Equally as exciting, the scientists observed that the patches of engineered tissue actively contracted. Moreover, these contractions could be electronically paced, up to what would translate to 120 beats per minute. Beyond that point, the tissue patch didn't relax fully and the contractions weakened. However, the average resting adult heart pulses about 70 beats per minute. This suggests that the engineered tissue could, within limits, theoretically keep pace with typical adult heart muscle, according to the study authors.

Another physical quality that made the mixed-cell tissue patches superior to heart muscle-cell patches was their mechanical stiffness, which more closely resembled human heart muscle. This was probably due to the addition of supporting cells, which created connective tissues. Passive stiffness allows the heart to fill properly with blood before it contracts.

When the researchers implanted these mixed celled, pre-vascularized tissue patches into rodents, the patches grew into cell grafts that were ten times larger than the too-small results from tissue composed of heart muscle cells only. The rodents were bred without an immune system that rejects tissue transplants.

Murry noted that these results have significance beyond their contribution to the ongoing search for ways to treat heart attack damage by regenerating heart tissue with stem cells.

The study findings, he observed, suggest that researchers consider including blood vessel-generating and vascular-supporting elements when designing human tissues for certain other types of regenerative therapies unrelated to heart disease.

One of the major obstacles still to be overcome is the likelihood that people's immune systems would reject the stem transplant unless they take medications for the rest of their lives to suppress this reaction. Murry hopes someday that scientists would be able to create new tissues from a person's own cells.

"Researchers can currently turn human skin cells back to stem cells, and then move them forward again into other types of cells, such as heart muscle and blood vessel cells," Murry said. "We hope this will allow us to build tissues that the body will recognize as 'self.'"

While the clinical application of tissues engineered from stem cells in treating hearts damaged from heart attacks or birth defects is still in the future, the researchers believe progress has been made. This study showed that researchers could create the first entirely human heart tissue patch from human embryonic cell-derived heart muscle cells, blood vessel lining cells and fiber-producing cells, and successfully engraft the tissue into an animal.

Video about Adult Stem Cells and the End of Aging

I believe therapies like those Dr. Rosenthal described -- using adult stem cells as opposed to embryonic stem cells, which are at the heart of the stem cell controversy -- are and will continue to be a major, exciting part of the future of medicine, especially anti-aging medicine.

As you age, your stem cells diminish in quality and quantity, so just when you require strong stem cells the most, you’re becoming deficient. Hence your organs and tissues eventually wear out and need to be restored or replaced.
In addition to eventually helping restore internal organs, immune systems and more, adult stem cell therapies hold the promise of restoring old skin.

Stem Cells Bank or Stem Cell Storage

By storing stem cells taken from your baby’s umbilical cord you are insuring your newborns future health against diseases and injuries such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and blood disorders.

Stem cells are the foundation for every organ, tissue and cell in the human body. These amazing cells of life can be used for life threatening treatments today, and may offer the possibility of regenerative medicine in the future for your baby and your family.

Stem beef are currently acclimated for alleviative some diseases, and action achievement of a approaching cure for abounding of today's cureless diseases. Parents are now able to accept claret or beef from the umbilical bond of their bairn adolescent stored for the child's approaching ache treatments. This commodity gives an overview of the action of axis corpuscle storage.

Stem cell storage is acceptable a added and added accepted best amid parents of bairn children, and is almost accepted in the USA. It is now acceptable more accepted in the UK. These beef accept been acclimated for cartilage bottom transplants back 1988. They may, in the future, action a cure for abounding diseases for which there is anon no cure. Altitude and injuries such as affection disease, academician damage, deafness, amaurosis and diabetes. Even beard accident and missing teeth could be treatable in the future.

The abstraction abaft storage of your child's axis beef is that they will accept a accumulation of accordant corpuscle types to be acclimated in the analysis of any disease, abrasion or action that they ability ache from in the future. Obviously, this additionally depends on advances actuality fabricated in medical procedures application these cells. If a cure for this action has not been apparent by the time the adolescent has developed it, again they are of no use for analysis purposes. The accepted ambit of altitude treatable with axis beef is almost small, however, cogent time and money is actuality put into this breadth of analysis and approaching cures assume to be awful likely.

The storage action begins at the bearing of the child, application an umbilical bond claret accumulating kit supplied by the bond claret accumulator company. A healthcare able (a phlebotomist, doctor, assistant etc.) collects claret from the umbilical bond application the accumulating kit. The action is accessible for both mother and baby, and is absolutely controllable to both. The claret is again transported to the class for processing by the technicians. In some laboratories the accomplished claret is frozen, but added laboratories abstract the axis beef afore freezing. The sample is arctic application aqueous nitrogen at about bare 190 degrees Celsius, and can be stored in the accumulator catchbasin at this temperature indefinitely. Some accumulator tanks use aqueous appearance nitrogen and some use vapour appearance nitrogen. Vapour appearance nitrogen appears to be more accepted as there has been some affirmation of aqueous appearance nitrogen appointment communicable diseases from one sample to others.

Myelodysplastic syndrome - Stem Cell Disorder

Myelodysplastic syndromes are cartilage bottom axis corpuscle disorders consistent in chaotic and abortive hematopoiesis (blood production) embodied by irreversible quantitative and qualitative defects in hematopoietic (blood-forming) cells. In a majority of cases, the advance of ache is abiding with gradually deepening cytopenias due to accelerating cartilage bottom failure. Approximately one-third of patients with MDS advance to AML aural months to a few years.

The myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS, aforetime accepted as "preleukemia") are a assorted accumulating of hematological altitude affiliated by abortive assembly (or dysplasia) of myeloid claret beef and accident of transformation to astute myelogenous leukemia (AML).[1] MDS has been begin in humans, bodies and dogs. Anemia astute abiding claret admixture is frequently present. Astronomer Carl Sagan, biographer Roald Dahl, applesauce saxophonist Michael Brecker and extra Nina Foch died of this condition.

Signs and symptoms

The average age at analysis of a MDS is amid 60 and 75 years; a few patients are adolescent than 50; MDS diagnoses are attenuate in children. Males are hardly added frequently afflicted than females. Signs and affection are all-embracing and about accompanying to the claret cytopenias:
* Anemia—chronic tiredness, conciseness of breath, algid sensation, sometimes chest pain
* Neutropenia (low neutrophil count) —increased susceptibility to infection
* Thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) —increased susceptibility to bleeding and ecchymosis (bruising), as able-bodied as subcutaneous hemorrhaging consistent in purpura or petechia[2]

Many individuals are asymptomatic, and claret cytopenia or added problems are articular as a allotment of a accepted claret count:
* neutropenia, anemia and thrombocytopenia (low corpuscle counts of white and red claret cells, and platelets, respectively);
* splenomegaly or rarely hepatomegaly;
* aberrant granules in cells, aberrant nuclear appearance and size; and/or
* chromosomal abnormalities, including chromosomal translocations and aberrant chromosome number.

Although there is some accident for developing astute myelogenous leukemia, about 50% of deaths action as a aftereffect of bleeding or infection. Leukemia that occurs as a aftereffect of myelodysplasia is awfully aggressive to treatment.

Cord Blood Banking: Life Gets Better

Regardless of what some bodies say, extracting bond claret from the umbilical bond for your babyish and autumn it in a bond claret coffer is not adverse for you and your baby.

The bond claret is drained afterwards your babyish is delivered and the umbilical bond is broken from your baby. But, why umbilical bond blood? The acumen is admitting cartilage bottom can accumulation axis cells, the affection and abundance is a lot bigger in the umbilical cord. Besides, if a actuality has his own axis cells, he does not accept to depend on others for donation. He is his own donor in cases of emergency. It is not all-important that his ancestors with the agnate abiogenetic set up will be abreast him all the time. The bond claret you had preserved for him will be his savior. Speaking of siblings, accept you anytime anticipation that the bond claret that you accept adored and stored in a bond claret coffer could absolutely be of abundant use to the earlier ancestors your babyish may already have.

Incase you are annoying about the costs of extenuative your baby’s bond blood, a advancement is that you can attending at it as allowance for your family. And assuredly afterwards a few years, if you see that your adolescent is growing up with no bloom concern, you can accept to advertise the bond claret to a beggared family. Not absorbed in affairs your baby’s bond blood? Ok, you can accord it too. Public bond claret donation banks booty bond claret for donations. Your baby’s bond claret will accompany smiles to abounding faces!

Ok, you accept absitively in favor of bond claret banking. But which are the diseases which can be treated. Axis beef are actuality acclimated to amusement abundant diseases. The specialty of axis beef is that it can acclimatize anywhere. Here are some diseases which can be convalescent by bond claret axis cells.

Acute Leukemia
Chronic Leukemia
Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Stem Cell Disorders
Myeloproliferative Disorders
Lymphoproliferative Disorders
Phagocyte Disorders
Liposomal Storage Diseases
Histiocytic Disorders
Inherited Erythrocyte Abnormalities
Congenital (Inherited) Immune System

Other Inherited Disorders
Inherited Platelet Abnormalities,
Plasma Cell Disorders
Autoimmune Diseases
Brain Tumors
Ewing Sarcoma
Ovarian Cancer
Renal Cell Carcinoma
Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Testicular Cancer.

Cord claret cyberbanking is a almost new concept. Analysis is actuality fabricated on how to advance it finer for the account of mankind. If you are not absorbed in attention your umbilical bond claret for your ancestors in a clandestine bond claret bank, you can accord it for research. Bond claret cyberbanking is acrimonious up with every casual day. Would you like to be a allotment of the revolution?

Stem Cell Discovery May be Help Diabetes Patients

By Alice Park, Time. Wednesday, Sep. 02, 2009
This week, scientists at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) reported the first success in generating new populations of insulin-producing cells using skin cells of type 1 diabetes patients. The achievement involved the newer embryo-free technique for generating stem cells, and marked the first step toward building a treatment that could one day replace a patient's faulty insulin-making cells with healthy, functioning ones.

The experiment, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, also provided the first good model — in a petri dish — of how type 1 diabetes develops, giving scientists a peek at what goes wrong in patients affected by the disease. Such knowledge could lead to not only new stem cell-based treatments, but also novel drug therapies that might improve the symptoms of the disease.

The findings, published in the current issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, exemplify the remarkable gains made by diabetes researchers, who are battling a continuously spreading disease that now affects nearly 8% of adults and children.

Douglas Melton, co-director of HSCI, and his team took skin cells from two type 1 diabetes patients, exposed the cells to a cocktail of three genes that reverted them back to an embryonic state — which are referred to as pluripotent stem cells — then instructed the newly reborn cells to grow into beta cells, the cells in the pancreas that secrete insulin. In type 1 diabetes, these beta cells no longer work to break down the glucose that floods the body after each meal, leading to blood sugar spikes that can damage the kidneys and heart.

To test whether their lab-made cells could function like normal beta cells, Melton's group exposed them to glucose in a dish. When sugar levels were high, the cells produced more of a protein that beta cells release when they break down sugar; when glucose levels were low, the protein levels were low as well.

Diabetes researchers believe that the disorder is caused by some type of immune reaction gone awry — immune cells are "trained" in the thymus gland to recognize the body's own cells and protect them from destruction. For some reason, this education doesn't occur properly in type 1 diabetes patients, and the immune system sees the pancreatic beta cells as foreign. Melton's team is currently working to generate thymus cells from diabetic patients in the same way they created the beta cells, in order to put all the players together in a lab dish, in a kind of biological diorama of the disease. The researchers are hoping to learn whether diabetes begins in the thymus or in the pancreas, where beta cells somehow change and are no longer recognized or protected by the immune system. "We still really don't know the mechanism of what causes this disease," says Melton. "We don't know which cell is initially responsible, and we don't know if certain people are destined to get it, or if there are things we can do to prevent it, or how to reverse it."


Stem Cell Treatment Proven To Reduce Parkinson's Symptoms

Parkinson's disease is a brain disorder that occurs when certain nerve cells in the brain die or become damaged. The normal function of these nerve cells is the production of Dopamine - a vital chemical which is responsible for our body's smooth and well-coordinated movement. The lack of Dopamine as a result of damaged nerve cells can cause the Parkinson's symptoms of shaking (tremors), stiffness of the muscles, freeze-ups, balance difficulties and slowness of movement.

In Oct 2006, TiantanPuhuaHospital's groundbreaking treatment introduces 'Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial cells' (hRPE) to patients' bodies causing them to naturally produce Dopamine, enhancing Dopamine levels in the brain. The Hospital's use of hRPE cells means that patients do not have immunosuppressive reactions and therefore do not need to take additional drugs during the treatment. Specifically, the treatment includes a procedure that introduces hRPE cells into the region in the brain where there are damaged cells, along with a daily cocktail of medications that "fertilize" this area, helping the cells to survive.

Tiantan (Temple of Heaven) PuhuaHospital collaborates with the Stem Cells Research Center of China's renowned PekingUniversity, the leading stem cells research group in the country. There, stem cells are nurtured and induced for clinical treatment. To date, over 20 Parkinson's patients have been treated using hRPE stem cells, with all patients exhibiting increased dopamine in their metabolism and improved control of movement. Long-term follow-up of the patients remains unavailable and is currently being carefully researched on a select number of patients. Tiantan Puhua is the only hospital that offers this treatment to patients beyond limited clinical trials and Penny is the only known American citizen treated for Parkinson's using this type of stem cell treatment.

Last July 2002, in USA, Researchers used embryonic stem cells to relieve symptoms of Parkinson's disease in rats, demonstrating the cells can be turned into neurons that make dopamine, a key brain chemical.

The researchers at Harvard Medical School and McLean Hospital in Belmont, Mass., showed in tests that the cells injected into rats whose brains had been chemically damaged would spontaneously convert to correct the Parkinson's symptoms.

Some experts said the study, appearing Tuesday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, was significant because it showed embryonic stem cells could be used to treat brain disorders, but they cautioned that the cells also could cause tumors.

In the current study, researchers first developed rats that had Parkinson's disease symptoms by injecting into their brains a toxin that killed neurons.

The researchers then injected embryonic stem cells, extracted from an early mouse embryo and capable of growing into any type of cell.

About nine weeks after the stem cells were in the rat brains, they converted to neurons that make dopamine, a brain chemical lacking in Parkinson's disease patients, Isacson said.

The injected stem cells, said Isacson, grew into the type of neurons that typically die in the brains of Parkinson's patients.

AFA Extract helps increase the number, release from bone marrow & availability of the Adult Stem Cells to the damaged, diseased or dysfunctional tissues of the body. This Stem Cell Enhancers support the natural release of Adult Stem Cells from our own bone marrow. The only stem cell enhancer available is a natural botanical extract. It is a blend of 2 compounds extracted from the cyanophyta Aphanizomenon Flos – aquae (AFA)…blue green algae in Klamath Lake. These compounds are extracted using a proprietary process that utilizes no chemicals, or harsh agents and is highly concentrated in the product.

Adult stem cells better than Embryonic Stem Cells?

Adult stem cells, and tissues derived from them, are currently believed less likely to initiate rejection after transplantation. This is because a patient's own cells could be expanded in culture, coaxed into assuming a specific cell type (differentiation), and then reintroduced into the patient. The use of adult stem cells and tissues derived from the patient's own adult stem cells would mean that the cells are less likely to be rejected by the immune system. This represents a significant advantage, as immune rejection can be circumvented only by continuous administration of immunosuppressive drugs, and the drugs themselves may cause deleterious side effects.

BUT, Research has been ongoing now for years as scientists have tried to determine whether stem cells from adult tissues have the same capabilities and potential as embryonic stem cells. Studies are constantly revealing new information and it is hoped that therapeutic applications will be developed from both sources. The question, however, perhaps remains: which source holds the advantage?

Development Potential

Adult stem cells are generally less flexible and versatile than embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells have a far greater differentiation potential than adult stem cells simply because embryonic stem cells can develop into almost every type of cell in the human body. Conversely, adult stem cells may only develop into a limited number of cell types, so their potential applications are not as great as embryonic stem cells. Newer studies do, however, suggest that adult stem cells may have greater plasticity than was originally thought, which means that they may be able to differentiate into a greater range of specialized cell types. At present, however, it would appear that embryonic stem cells still have the advantage in their ability to differentiate more readily than adult stem cells.

On Adult stem cell side, the treatment for almost all of them is a bone marrow transplant, and most of those diseases are diseases we have always known were possible to treat with a bone marrow transplant. The transplant is a fairly versatile treatment, that can be effective for just about any disease that originates and is contained in the immune system. So it can treat just about every type of leukemia, many lymphomas, myleomas. It can also treat several non cancerous blood diseases like sickle cell anemia. It can treat several auto immune diseases. It can be used in conjunction with other organ transplants to give the patients a chance to come off the anti rejection meds. And its a possible future cure for aids.

The diseases a bone marrow transplant can treat are counted in adult stem cell treatments, because in reality its the stem cells in the marrow that make the transplant work. The same type of stem cells can also be found in the circulating blood and cord blood.

Research facts still continue....

Adult Stem cells Potentially Can Heal Wounds in Bones, Cartilage and Tendons

Many medical researchers believe that stem cell treatments have the potential to change the face of human disease and alleviate suffering. The ability of stem cells to self-renew and give rise to subsequent generations that can differentiate offers a large potential to culture tissues that can replace diseased and damaged tissues in the body, without the risk of rejection.

Dr. Landis says that he and his co-workers have been conducting tissue-engineering research with bovine models to assess the feasibility of stem cells to heal wounds in bones, cartilage and tendons.

"We may apply the adult stem cells directly to a wound in some instances. We do this by growing the cells under culture conditions to develop an extracellular matrix, which creates a supportive environment for the cells. We collect both cell and extracellular material and apply the combination to a system in which a defect has been artificially created in a bone. We then monitor changes in the defect over time following cell/matrix treatment.

"In monitoring, we analyze the expression of certain genes and the secretion of certain proteins, comparing them to normal bone tissue and to bones that have no cell/matrix application," Dr. Landis says.

"We examine our system over time to see if there’s any new tissue growth to heal the defect," he says.

"We include multiple sets of experiments that have the same or different tissue defects, and we want to compare the studies to determine whether normal tissue develops to overcome the created wounds.

"At present, some of our results show cellular materials that we expect are being produced in our systems. That’s the kind of success we have at the moment," Dr. Landis says.

Adult stem cells may have a greater role in wound healing in the future, according to William J. Landis, Ph.D., Northeastern Ohio Universities Colleges of Medicine and Pharmacy, Rootstown, Ohio

Autism and Stem Cells

Dr Chun Wong writes that everyone has heard of stem cell research and how some scientists believe that stem cells can be used to treat, cure or fix certain diseases and conditions like cancer and cerebral palsy, but now stem cell therapy is also being linked to developmental disorders like autism.

Well, scientists like Dr Leonard Smith (a gastrointestinal, vascular and general surgeon) and his team of researchers believe that autism is characterized by:-
* Hypoperfusion - A reduction in the amount of oxygen supplied to the brain. A reduced oxygen supply causes damage to the tissue of the brain and means that the brain can no longer function properly.
* Immune Dysregulation - Abnormal immune responses. The child’s immune system does not function properly and does not respond appropriately to the stimulation it receives. Children with autism can suffer with autoimmune responses, chronic inflammation in the brain and gut (leading to all manner of gastrointestinal problems) and suppressed immune systems.

Dr Smith and his colleagues have identified two types of stem cells which they believe are effective in addressing these two characteristics of autism:-

1. CD34+ cord blood stem cells - Dr Smith’s colleague Dr Fabio Solano injected this type of stem cell into a patient to improve blood flow to the brain and therefore increasing the brain’s oxyegn supply.
2. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) - This stem cell has been used in the past to treat immune dysregulation in Crohn’s Disease sufferers and was used by the research team to treat inflammation in autistic children.

You can read their research and findings at http://www.translational-medicine.com/content/5/1/30#IDABE20Y

Watch the youtube to see how a little girl’s autism was successfully treated by adult stem cells given to her by Dr Fabio Solano.

But is stem cell therapy a cure for autism and is it even a viable treatment?

Kinchlow said about Adult Stem Cell Patent Issues After Research

Stem-cell research involving adult cells is already being used to treat more than 70 diseases and medical conditions, while embryonic stem-cell research has not produced one single successful treatment. Kinchlow contends the push for embryonic stem-cell research is greed.

"Anytime you can get any kind of technique or materials that can be used to manipulate human or animal cells, you can patent this and licensing fees literally can be worth a fortune," he concludes.

Kinchlow said adult stem cells have worked for years, but scientists cannot patent those because the body produces them on its own.

Who is Kinchlow?
Minister, broadcaster, author, and businessman – Ben Kinchlow is known throughout the world as the long time Co-Host of The 700 Club, and Host of the International Edition of The 700 Club, as seen in more than 80 countries. In addition to hosting these programs, he also produced and hosted several CBN Specials, a daily 30-minute high energy television show (“Straight Talk") and co-hosted a live daily one-hour radio talk show (“Taking It To The Streets")

Research Show How Blood Stem Cells to Become Vision Cells

University of Florida researchers were able to program bone marrow stem cells to repair damaged retinas in mice, suggesting a potential treatment for one of the most common causes of vision loss in older people.

The success in repairing a damaged layer of retinal cells in mice implies that blood stem cells taken from bone marrow can be programmed to restore a variety of cells and tissues, including ones involved in cardiovascular disorders such as atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease.

“To our knowledge, this is the first report using targeted gene manipulation to specifically program an adult stem cell to become a new cell type,” said Dr. Maria B. Grant, a professor of pharmacology and therapeutics at UF’s College of Medicine. “Although we used genes, we also suggest you can do the same thing with drugs — but ultimately you would not give the drugs to the patient, you would give the drugs to their cells. Take the cells out, activate certain chemical pathways, and put the cells back into the patient.”

In a paper slated to appear in the September issue of the journal Molecular Therapy, scientists describe how they used a virus carrying a gene that gently pushed cultured adult stem cells from mice toward a fate as retinal cells. Only after the stem cells were reintroduced into the mice did they completely transform into the desired type of vision cells, apparently taking environmental cues from the damaged retinas.

After studying the cell-transformation process, scientists were able to bypass the gene manipulation step entirely and instead use chemical compounds that mirrored environmental conditions in the body, thus pointing the stem cells toward their ultimate identities as vision cells.

Source : news.ufl.edu/2009/07/30/cell-fate

Cord Blood Stem Cell Can Cure For Diabetes?

Cord blood stem cell transplant is becoming increasingly important for treatment of life-threatening diseases and debilitating conditions. Umbilical cord blood stem cells are less prone to rejection than bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cells.

A team of South Korean researchers, headed by Prof. Kang Kyung-sun of Seoul National University, has successfully grown pancreatic beta cells from umbilical cord blood stem cells of newborn babies. The stem cells are able to secrete insulin, the hormone necessary for treatment of diabetes. The ability of cord blood stem cells to differentiate, or change into other types of cells in the body is a new discovery that holds great promise for improving the treatment of some of the most common diseases including diabetes. This achievement would be highlighted by The Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, the U.S.-based weekly, that documents breakthrough papers in biotechnology.

Similar breakthroughs have been achieved by scientists throughout the world. Researchers at the University of Newcastle, in Dublin, produced a ‘mini liver' from cord blood stem cells. The technique will be developed to create a full-sized, fully functioning liver. Tissues from mini-livers will be used to test new drugs. Researchers are hopeful that within five years, pieces of the tissue can be used to repair damaged livers and within 15 years, actual liver transplants may be done using lab-grown livers made from cord blood. This is a significant achievement that can potentially develop treatments for liver diseases.

Autologous Stem Cell Transplant (AutoSCT)

autologous stem cell transplant, stem cells from the patient's own marrow are "harvested," stored and then returned to the body (engrafted) after the patient receives high doses of chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy conditioning therapy.

Sometimes, the portion of marrow is also purged of cancer cells before being returned to the patient.

The goal of transplant therapy is to restore or rescue hematologic and immunologic function following high dose therapy.

The stem cells are of a type that can develop into the full range of blood and immune cells.

Typically autologous transplants are done in four phases:

1. Induction phase - conventional doses of chemo are used to reduce disease.
2. Mobilization/harvesting phase - use of growth factors or other treatments that leads to the proliferation and mobilization of stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream. These cells are then harvested using a process called apheresis in order to replace the stem cells that will be ablated (killed) during the conditioning phase of treatment.

"The process of apheresis involves removal of whole blood from a patient or donor. Within an instrument that is essentially designed as a centrifuge, the components of whole blood are separated. One of the separated portions is then withdrawn and the remaining components are retransfused into the patient or donor."

3. Conditioning phase - high-dose therapy that wipes out or "conditions" the immune system and bone marrow in preparation for the stem cells harvested previously. This phase might include Total Body Irradiation (TBI), and more recently, high dose bexxar - an investigational alternative to TBI.

4. Engraftment phase - the stem cells are given back to the patient to reconstitute the immune system. Sometimes purging techniques are used to clean the stem cells of residual tumor cells prior to engraftment, or shortly after.

"Approximately two to four weeks after your transplant you can expect to see signs of your bone marrow “engrafting” or beginning to grow. The first sign of this is the production of white blood cells. Platelets often take a little longer to begin developing. Once you have “engrafted” and your condition is stable, you will be discharged from the hospital." - cancer.med.umich.edu

Adult stem cells have many advantages compare to Embryonic stem cell

In adults, stem cells are within various tissues and organs, including bone marrow, liver, epidermis, retina, skeletal muscle, intestine, brain, dental pulp, etc. Neural stem cells have even been removed from areas of the brain of cadavers as late as twenty hours following death.

Stem cell research with embryonic stem cells has garnered absolutely no evidence of any promising results. None. Zero. Nada. One must wonder what people like Michael J. Fox and others are so up in arms about. There is a Hollywood element to this story that stirs up emotion and rhetoric but has no sustenance. We all feel sorry for Michael J. Fox as he shakes from the effects of Parkinson’s disease, but he won’t find a cure with embryonic stem cells. He needs to turn his attention to adult stem cells.

Embryonic stem cell disadvantages are many: 1) difficult to differentiate uniformly and homogeneously into a target tissue, 2) immunogenic – ES cells from a random embryo death are likely to be rejected, 3) tumorigenic – they tend to form tumors and promote tumor growth, 4) destruction of human life.

Adult stem cells, however, have many advantages, and NONE of the disadvantages of embryonic stem cells: 1) adult stem cells from bone marrow and umbilical cords are already specialized and transplantation is simpler. In other words, the new host does not reject them. 2) relative ease of harvesting, 3) non-tumorigenic – they don’t form tumors, and 4) they do no harm to the donor.

Here is just a sampling of the success that adult stem cells have provided:
1) Spinal cord injury repair and regeneration of the nerves
2) Leukemia remission and cures
3) Krabbe’s Leukodystrophy – a rare degenerative enzyme disorder of the nervous system – patient’s treated with adult stem cells are cured and thriving several years after the transplant
4) Parkinson’s disease – (someone please alert Michael J. Fox to this!) Doctors have injected adult neural stem cells into the brain of Parkinson’s disease patients and the symptoms (extreme shaking) disappeared completely. Patients are cured! Yes, cured! Why the national media pays no attention to this is beyond me.

Although the topic has not been in the spotlight lately, it lingers. It will resurface again. When it does, let’s all be voices of reason and truth – promote the continued success and research of adult stem cells and stop wasting money on embryonic stem cells.

Triple-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study of the Effect of StemEnhance® on Bone Marrow Stem Cell Mobilization

A triple-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled study on human subjects was conducted on the effect of AFA extracts on the number of circulating stem cells.


Volunteers were fed one gram of a blend of two AFA extracts (StemEnhance® – SE), and a placebo (Ctrl).

A total of 15 healthy volunteers were selected using the following exclusion criteria:

* Under 20 or over 65 years of age
* Pregnancy
* Severe asthma and allergies requiring daily medication
* Any known chronic illness or previous/current venereal disease
* Frequent recreational drug use
* Impaired digestive function (including previous major gastrointestinal surgery).

Upon arrival, the volunteers were seated in quiet areas and instructed to remain quiescent, comfortably sitting in a chair, for one hour. Immediately after drawing the baseline sample, a consumable was provided. The volunteers were instructed to remain quiescent for the whole duration of the experiment. Blood samples were later drawn 30, 60 and 120 minutes after ingestion of the consumable.

Assessment of circulating stem cells
At each time point, 5 ml blood was drawn into heparin, and 2 ml blood was drawn into EDTA. One sample was used to perform a complete blood count (CBC) while the other sample was prepared for immunostaining (CD34, CD45 and CD14) and flow cytometry. Flowcytometry and data analyses were done blindly. Data is expressed as mean ± SE.


Consumption of SE led to an increase in the number of circulating CD34+ cells, while consumption of the placebo did not lead to any statistically significant effect.

Since the overall time for the absorption of bioactive compounds, delivery to target organs, and the generation a quantifiable physiological response may be different depending on each volunteer’s overall physiology, we calculated the maximum response of SE at any one point in time, within 60 minutes of consumption. We found a 24 ± 5 % increase (median = 27%) in the number of circulating stem cells with SE. If we include data obtained during a dose study performed in May 2005, the average maximum response raises to 30 ± 6%.

Figure 1. Time course of the number of CD34+ cells in peripheral blood after consumption (arrow) of SE and placebo (Crtl). Data are expressed as % of starting value. Bars express standard error.


This study confirmed that SE is effective at supporting the release of stem cells from the bone marrow, increasing the number of circulating stem cells (CD34+ cells). The data collected show that SE increases the number of circulating stem cells by up to 30%.

Physiological relevance of the observed stem cell mobilization
In this study the average number of lymphocytes was 1,978 per µL and the average proportion of CD34+ cells at time 0 was 0.12%, for an average number of circulating CD34+ cells of 2.4 per µL. An increase of 25% to 30%, as seen in this study, translates to an average increase of 0.7 stem cells per µL, i.e. from 2.4 to 3.1 stem cells per µL. Assuming 5.0 liters of blood, this corresponds to approximately 3.5 million new circulating stem cells. The novelty of the concept of using endogenous release of bone marrow stem cells to support optimal health is paralleled by a scarcity of data linking the magnitude of mobilization with physiological relevance. Nevertheless, data exist to estimate the physiological relevance of putting into circulation 3.5 million new stem cells. Based on various studies (Orlic et al. 2001; Bodine et al., 1994; Bodine et al. 1993; Vandelverde et al., 2005; Valgimigli et al., 2005) one can estimate that one gram of StemEnhance® can lead to potentially of up to a few billion somatic cells in target tissues. Therefore the average increase of 25% to 30% obtained with SE in this study is likely to have physiological relevance.


Bodine DM, Seidel NE, Gale MS, Nienhuis AW, and. (1994) Efficient Retrovirus Transduction of Mouse Pluripotent Hematopoietic Stem Cells Mobilized Into the Peripheral Blood by Treatment With Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor and Stem Cell Factor. Blood, 84(5): 1482-1491.

Bodine DM, Seidel NE, Zsebo KM, and Orlic D. (1993) In Vivo Administration of Stem Cell Factor to Mice Increases the Absolute Number of Pluripotent Hematopoietic Stem Cells. Blood, 82(2): 445- 455.

Orlic D, Kajstura J, Chimenti S, Bodine DM, Leri A. & Anversa P. (2003) Bone marrow stem cells regenerate infarcted myocardium. Pediatr Transplantation 7 (Suppl. 3): 86–88.

Orlic D, Kajstura J, Chimenti S, Limana F, Jakoniuk I, Quaini F, Nadal-Ginard B, Bodine DM, Leri A. & Anversa P. (2001) Mobilized bone marrow cells repair the infracted heart, improving function and survival. PNAS 98(18):10344–10349.

Valgimigli M, Rigolin GM, Cittanti C, Malagutti P, Curello S, Percoco G, Bugli AM, Porta MD, Bragotti LZ, Ansani L, Mauro E, Lanfranchi A, Giganti M, Feggi L, Castoldi G, Ferrari R. (2005) Use of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor during acute myocardial infarction to enhance bone marrow stem cell mobilization in humans: clinical and angiographic safety profile. Eur Heart J. Apr 28. Epub.

Vandervelde S, van Luyn MJ, Tio RA, Harmsen MC. (2005) Signaling factors in stem cell-mediated repair of infarcted myocardium. J Mol Cell Cardiol. Jun 28. Epub.

Adult stem cells cure diabetes in mice

Adult stem cells have a major role to play in curing type 1 diabetic mice, according to a new study by an Indian-origin scientist.

In the study, the researchers focussed on a study by Dr. Lawrence C.B. Chan and colleagues in his Baylor College of Medicine laboratory, in which they cured mice with type 1 diabetes by using a gene to induce liver cells to make insulin.

“Now we know how it works. The answer is adult stem cells,” said Chan.

Chan and Dr. Vijay Yechoor, assistant professor of medicine-endocrinology and first author of the report, said that a gene called neurogenin3 proved critical to inducing cells in the liver to produce insulin on a continuing basis.

They used a disarmed virus called a vector to deliver the gene to the livers of diabetic mice by a procedure commonly known as gene therapy.

“The mice responded within a week,” said Yechoor.

The levels of sugar in their blood plummeted to normal and stayed that way for the rest of their normal lives, and this quick response generated more questions as did the length of time that the animals stayed healthy.

Yechoor found that there was a two-step response-firstly, the neurogenin3 gene goes into the mature liver cells and causes them to make small quantities of insulin - enough to drop sugar levels to normal,.

“This is a transient effect. Liver cells lose the capacity to make insulin after about six weeks,” he said.

But, they found that other cells that made larger quantities of insulin showed up later, clustered around the portal veins (blood vessels that carry blood from the intestines and abdominal organs to the liver).

“They look similar to normal pancreatic islet cells (that make insulin normally),” said Yechoor.

Also, they discovered that these “islet” cells came from a small population of adult stem cells usually found near the portal vein.

Only a few are needed usually because they serve as a safety net in case of liver injury. When that occurs, they quickly activate to form mature liver cells or bile duct cells.

However, neurogenin3 changes their fates, directing them down a path to becoming insulin-producing islet cells located in the liver.

The mature liver cell cannot make this change because its fate appears to be fixed before exposure to neurogenin3.

Yechoor said that the islet cells in the liver were quite similar to those made by pancreas after an injury.

“If we didn’t use neurogenin3, none of this would happen. Neurogenin3 is necessary and sufficient to produce these changes,” he said.

Chan cautioned that much more work is needed before similar results could be seen in humans.

“The concept is important because we can induce normal adult stem cells to acquire a new cell fate. It might even be applicable to regenerating other organs or tissues using a different gene from other types of adult stem cells,” he said.

The study appears in the journal Developmental Cell. (ANI)

What are adult stem cells?

An adult stem cell is thought to be an undifferentiated cell, found among differentiated cells in a tissue or organ that can renew itself and can differentiate to yield some or all of the major specialized cell types of the tissue or organ. The primary roles of adult stem cells in a living organism are to maintain and repair the tissue in which they are found. Scientists also use the term somatic stem cell instead of adult stem cell, where somatic refers to cells of the body (not the germ cells, sperm or eggs). Unlike embryonic stem cells, which are defined by their origin (the inner cell mass of the blastocyst), the origin of adult stem cells in some mature tissues is still under investigation.

Research on adult stem cells has generated a great deal of excitement. Scientists have found adult stem cells in many more tissues than they once thought possible. This finding has led researchers and clinicians to ask whether adult stem cells could be used for transplants. In fact, adult hematopoietic, or blood-forming, stem cells from bone marrow have been used in transplants for 40 years. Scientists now have evidence that stem cells exist in the brain and the heart. If the differentiation of adult stem cells can be controlled in the laboratory, these cells may become the basis of transplantation-based therapies.

The history of research on adult stem cells began about 50 years ago. In the 1950s, researchers discovered that the bone marrow contains at least two kinds of stem cells. One population, called hematopoietic stem cells, forms all the types of blood cells in the body. A second population, called bone marrow stromal stem cells (also called mesenchymal stem cells, or skeletal stem cells by some), were discovered a few years later. These non-hematopoietic stem cells make up a small proportion of the stromal cell population in the bone marrow, and can generate bone, cartilage, fat, cells that support the formation of blood, and fibrous connective tissue.

In the 1960s, scientists who were studying rats discovered two regions of the brain that contained dividing cells that ultimately become nerve cells. Despite these reports, most scientists believed that the adult brain could not generate new nerve cells. It was not until the 1990s that scientists agreed that the adult brain does contain stem cells that are able to generate the brain's three major cell types—astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, which are non-neuronal cells, and neurons, or nerve cells.

Adult Stem Cell Research Study Provides Hope for Kidney, Liver Patients

by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
September 6, 2006

Florence, Italy (LifeNews.com) -- Italian scientists have made advances in adult stem cell research that may provide new hope for patients suffering from liver or kidney diseases. The research team has identified kidney stem cells that helped kidneys repair themselves and the discovery could lead to new treatments.
A team led by top immunologist Sergio Romagnani said the new kidney cells appear to be able to turn into an array of other cells in the body.

"Chronic renal diseases and terminal renal insufficiency are viewed as the medical emergency of the new century," Romagnani told a press conference, according to the ANSA Italian news agency.

He said the team found that the adult stem cells repaired kidney damage in the mice used in the study. That's important because current treatments merely slow the disease but don't repair damage it causes.

"This is particularly important because the drugs we currently have are only able to slow down kidney damage," he said, according to the ANSA report.

Because the cells can differentiate into bone cells, adipose (fatty tissue) cells and even nerve cells there is hope of helping to reverse degenerative diseases in those areas as well, he explained.

The team published the results of their new studies in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

Meanwhile, one day after Romagnani's press conference, a team in Turin announced, in the latest edition of the journal Stem Cells, that the adult kidney cells are able to become pluripotent.

"The progenitor cells identified by our team are able to differentiate into liver cells, bone cells, blood cells and even pancreatic cells that produce insulin," lead researcher Benedetta Bussolati told ANSA.

"The diffentiating capacity of these cells holds promise that they can be used in regenerative medicine such as cell therapy, an alternative to the use of embryonic stem cells," she said.

The studies show another alternative to embryonic stem cell research, which involves the destruction of human life.

VIDEO : Stem Cell Therapy for Type II Diabetes

TESTIMONIAL : ASC Can Help for High Blood Pressure

Ann Stahler
I have had high blood pressure since my teens. I've had many health problems throughout my life and although I was able to get most under control my blood pressure continued to be high. Without drugs my blood pressure runs 200/140-150. My goal has always been to say goodbye to prescription drugs.

I had been searching for something that might help me get off the blood pressure medications because they are breaking down my body. Then, about four months ago, I was introduced to stem cell nutrition. I was still taking a lot of blood pressure medication at that time.

After taking the stem cell nutrition, I have been able to eliminate about 30 percent of the blood pressure medicine. My blood pressure is now usually 130/80. I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my digestion and elimination. Also, my muscles feel more relaxed and I sleep better at night. Stem cell nutrition is a very important part of my health maintenance program. I am thankful my friend introduced it to me.

TESTIMONIAL : Adult Stem Cell May Treat Diabetes

Adult stem cells from human bone marrow may help treat type 2 diabetes.

That’s the early finding from lab tests on diabetic mice. Tests on people haven’t been done.

The mouse studies are summed up in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Researchers included biochemistry professor Darwin Prockop, MD, PhD, who directs Tulane University’s Center for Gene Therapy.

The researchers studied male mice with high blood sugar like that in type 2 diabetes.

Half the mice received two injections of adult stem cells taken from human bone marrow. With their defective immune systems, the mice didn’t reject the human cells.

For comparison, the other mice didn’t get any injections.

Over the next month or so, mice treated with stem cells made more insulin, a hormone that controls blood sugar.

Stem cells turned up in the mice’s pancreas, which makes insulin.

The stem-cell treated mice also had less kidney damage than mice in the comparison group, the study shows.

Diabetes can cause kidney damage. Stem cells showed up in the mice’s kidneys as well; the injected cells may have helped repair damage, the researchers say.

It’s possible, but not yet certain, that stem cell shots could boost insulin production and help fix damaged tissue in people with diabetes, according to Prockop’s team.

SOURCES: Lee, R. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Nov. 14, 2006; vol 103: pp 17438-17443. News release, Tulane University. News release, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Gerrit Woning - Personal Story

I am sixty-eight years old and have uncontrollable diabetes. Fifty units of insulin three to five times a day couldn’t keep my blood sugar level normal. It would soar over 300, and the insulin could only bring it down the mid-200 range. I developed high blood pressure and was losing my eyesight from my unstable blood sugar. After ten days on stem cell nutrition, I was able to bring my blood sugar level down to 150 to 160.

After six weeks, I could control my sugar levels at 120 to 140 with less than 30 units of insulin. Within eight weeks, I didn’t need to take insulin anymore.

Since then, I can maintain normal blood sugar levels without medication. My vision cleared and the floaters in my eyes are completely gone. My blood pressure, which was 212/150, is now down to 110/60.

I also suffer from arthritis. I have been a professional soccer player in the Netherlands where I injured my knees. Later, in my handyman business, I had trouble using step ladders to install ceiling fans and the like. I would have so much swelling and pain in my knees, that I would have to literally crawl up the steps to get home.

Six weeks after starting the stem cell nutrition, I went off pain medication totally. The swelling went down, and it looks as though I have soccer legs back.

The other day I was "carded” for my Senior Citizens Discount at a restaurant! I feel like I’m 39 or younger! My hair is even turning back to its natural color.

Stem cell nutrition has revolutionized my life. I feel like I am physically reborn.

Adult Stem Cell Studies

From the National Institutes of Health we learn that:

"Adult stem cells have been identified in many organs and tissues. One important point to understand about adult stem cells is that there are a very small number of stem cells in each tissue. Stem cells are thought to reside in a specific area of each tissue where they may remain quiescent (non-dividing) for many years until they are activated by disease or tissue injury. The adult tissues reported to contain stem cells include brain, bone marrow, peripheral blood, blood vessels, skeletal muscle, skin and liver.

Scientists in many laboratories are trying to find ways to grow adult stem cells in cell culture and manipulate them to generate specific cell types so they can be used to treat injury or disease. Some examples of potential treatments include replacing the dopamine-producing cells in the brains of Parkinson's patients, developing insulin-producing cells for type I diabetes and repairing damaged heart muscle following a heart attack with cardiac muscle cells.

Also, a single adult stem cell should be able to generate a line of genetically identical cells—known as a clone—which then gives rise to all the appropriate differentiated cell types of the tissue. Scientists tend to show either that a stem cell can give rise to a clone of cells in cell culture, or that a purified population of candidate stem cells can repopulate the tissue after transplant into an animal. Recently, by infecting adult stem cells with a virus that gives a unique identifier to each individual cell, scientists have been able to demonstrate that individual adult stem cell clones have the ability to repopulate injured tissues in a living animal.

As indicated above, scientists have reported that adult stem cells occur in many tissues and that they enter normal differentiation pathways to form the specialized cell types of the tissue in which they reside. Adult stem cells may also exhibit the ability to form specialized cell types of other tissues, which is known as transdifferentiation or plasticity.

Normal differentiation pathways of adult stem cells. In a living animal, adult stem cells can divide for a long period and can give rise to mature cell types that have characteristic shapes and specialized structures and functions of a particular tissue."

In aspect they are the body’s accustomed face-lifting system; in actuality contempo accurate abstracts shows that added circulating developed axis beef agree to greater bloom and wellness.

In a above development in the breadth of accustomed developed axis corpuscle renewal, a peer-reviewed analytic abstraction showed that arresting 2 capsules of a patented apply of the aqua-botanical Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) gave acceleration to an boilerplate 25% access in the cardinal of circulating developed axis cells.

This abstraction has astronomic implications because through the body’s accustomed mechanisms, axis beef broadcast to areas area they are bare to abutment the accustomed face-lifting process. By giving acceleration to an access in circulating axis cells, the AFA apply accordingly supports the body’s accustomed adeptness to rebuild, renew and rejuvenate. The implications are cogent – back acclimated as a circadian supplement, the apportionment of millions of added axis beef in the bloodstream could be one of the best important means for advancement optimal bloom that science has yet discovered!

Everyone could potentially account from this patented AFA apply … anybody from adolescent to earlier and abnormally those who appoint in sports, whether austere athletes or casual weekend warriors. The acceptation of axis corpuscle abutment to athletes is that by acknowledging our body’s accustomed face-lifting system, we are able to abutment the accustomed action of accretion from exercise to body backbone and stamina.

An abrupt archetype is that of an amateur in the macho 65-year-old class at the United States Track and Field Masters amateur who ran the mile in 5.12 abnormal and burst a 35 year old age accumulation record. He credits the AFA apply as the acumen he was able to accomplish this feat, in accession to acceptable several gold metals in added events. Another archetype is that of a academy apprentice amateur who has been able to breach through plateaus in backbone training afterwards accumulation the AFA apply into his regimen. In actuality abounding athletes, fettle enthusiasts and weekend warriors acclaim the AFA apply with their success.

There is no catechism about the amount of borer into the ability of our own developed axis cells, and the AFA apply is accurate by accurate affirmation so it’s absolutely account a try. Entrepreneurial types should additionally accede the business opportunities provided by this unique, first-to-market axis corpuscle abutment product.

Source : http://www.earthbornwellness.com/studies.htm

Watch Video - Adult Stem Cell Enhance AFA Enhance Stem Cells Naturally

How does Stem Enhancer work?

When you take 2 capsules of StemEnhance®, the ingredients help support the release of stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream. Through a natural process, those stem cells then travel to areas of the body where they are most needed. According to research, 1 gram of StemEnhance® equals 2 capsules, which triggers a 25-30% increase in the number of circulating stem cells ( 3-4 million additional stem cells ).
Tests conducted by the Center for Preventive Doping Research in Cologne, Germany found StemEnhance to be free of anabolic steroids and stimulants.


What are stem cell enhancers? Recent scientific developments have revealed that stem cells derived from the bone marrow, travel throughout the body, and act to support optimal organ and tissue function. Stem cell enhancers are products that support the natural role of adult stem cells.

According to the New England Journal of Medicine, the number of stem cells circulating in the blood stream is one of the best indicators of health. Traditional health supplements nourish existing cells; they do not renew tissues. For those of us just wanting to maintain optimal health or assist the body in the process of aging, or day to day wear and tear, a steady release of our existing stem cells into the blood stream can produce considerable health benefits.

Stem Enhance a natural botanical extract, is a breakthrough PATENTED product that supports the release of your own adult stem cells from your bone marrow into your bloodstream. The resulting increase in the number of circulating adult stem cells - up to 30% - can greatly assist your body's natural ability to maintain youthfulness, vitality and optimal health!

When StemEnhance is used as a daily supplement over time, the circulation of millions of additional stem cells in the bloodstream could be one of the safest and most efficient methods for maintaining optimal health that science has yet discovered.

Stem Cell Enhancers support the natural release of Adult Stem Cells from our own bone marrow. The only stem cell enhancer available is a natural botanical extract. It is a blend of 2 compounds extracted from the cyanophyta Aphanizomenon Flos – aquae (AFA)…blue green algae in Klamath Lake. These compounds are extracted using a proprietary process that utilizes no chemicals, or harsh agents and is highly concentrated in the product.
One extract contains an L-selectin ligand, which supports the release of stem cells (CD34+cells) from the bone marrow. The other extract a polysaccharide-rich fraction named MigratoseTM, supports the migration of stem cells to tissue in the body needing repair.

StemEnhance® is a blend of two compounds extracted from the cyanophyta Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA). These compounds are extracted using a proprietary process that utilizes no chemicals or harsh agents.

One extract, which contains an L-selectin ligand, supports the release of stem cells (CD34+ cells) from the bone marrow. The other extract, a polysaccharide-rich fraction named Migratose™, may support the migration of stem cells out of the blood into tissues.

Stem cell trials give diabetics reason for hope

Human trials under way at the University of Miami and other hospitals in Europe, Asia and Latin America using immature adult stem cells are showing promise for people with type 2 diabetes.

In a UM clinical trial recently published in the online journal Cell Transplantation, 25 patients achieved better insulin production, lower blood-sugar levels and reduced need for insulin injections.

In the trial, still in its pilot stage, doctors extracted immature adult stem cells from the patients’ own bone marrow, purified and concentrated them, and injected them into arteries near the pancreas. They then put the patients into hyperbaric oxygen chambers like those used for divers with decompression sickness — also called the ”bends” — and subjected them to 10 hours of pure oxygen at 2.4 times the atmospheric pressure at ground level.

Researchers believe the high-pressure oxygen pulled extra stem cells from the patients’ bone marrow, adding to the stem cells injected near the pancreas. They say the immature stem cells developed into pancreatic cells, regenerating the pancreas’ ability to produce natural insulin.

”This could be very important,” said Dr. Camillo Ricordi, director of the Cell Transplant Center and the Diabetes Research Institute at UM. “It could be an improved treatment for diabetes, substantially ameliorating type 2 and preventing the complications of the disease.”

Nearly 8 percent of the U.S. population — 24 million people — has diabetes, which can cause problems for the eyes, kidneys, nerves and heart, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Ricordi cautioned that the optimistic findings come from small pilot studies involving only dozens of patients, and three to four more years of research are needed before practical treatments might start.

”We always have to avoid hype and be careful not to put too much hope in pilot trials,” Ricordi said. “But the first results are really promising.”

Two more successful trials over three or four years would be needed before the FDA might approve the treatment. The studies, coordinated by UM’s Diabetes Research Institute, will also take place at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Stem Cell Argentina in Buenos Aires and other institutions.

Source: Miami Herald
Other articles and science reports on Adult Stem Cells.
Check, E., Cardiologists take heart from stem-cell treatment success, Nature 428(6986):880, 29 April 2004: "Adult stem cells have long been viewed as less flexible than embryonic stem cells, which can divide to produce any cell type in the body. But recent studies of human cells suggest that adult stem cells can also turn into many cell types, including heart, brain and liver cells."

Terada, N. et al., Bone marrow cells adopt the phenotype of other cells by spontaneous cells fusion, Nature (416(6880):542–545, 4 April 2002.

Cohen, P., Stem cells could save sight, New Scientist 175:(2354):18, 3 August 2002.

Stem cells do their stuff for Parkinson’s patient, New Scientist 174(2338):5, 13 April 2002.

Randerson, J., Stem cells fix the damage, New Scientist 177(2377):14, 11 January 2003.

Pluchino, S. et al., Injection of adult neurospheres induces recovery in a chronic model of multiple sclerosis, Nature 422(6933):688–694, 17 April 2003.

Jochen Ringe et al., Stem cells for regenerative medicine: advances in the engineering of tissues and organs, Naturwissenschaften 89(8), August 2002.

About the Formulator of StemEnhance - Christian Drapeau
Mr. Drapeau, a foremost scientist in the study of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, holds a Masters of Science degree in Neurology and Neurosurgery from the Montreal Neurological Institute, an affiliate of McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He has been extensively involved in the study of nutrition, naturopathy, and various natural therapies.

Most significantly, Mr. Drapeau collaborated with many scientists affiliated with Harvard University, McGill University, the University of Illinois, Oregon State University, the University of New Mexico, and the University of Mississippi in the study of the effects of blue-green algae (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) on human health. Mr. Drapeau continues his involvement in the clinical study of AFA.

Circulating stem cells can reach various organs and become cells of that organ, helping such organ regain and maintain optimal health. Recent studies have suggested that the number of circulating stem cells is a key factor; the higher the number of circulating stem cells the greater is the ability of the body at healing itself. What happens to stem cells if they do not reach a tissue? Stem cells released from the bone marrow that do not reach a tissue simply return to the bone marrow after some time

United States Patent Patent No.: 6,814,961 B1 Date of Patent: November 9, 2004 Subj: METHOD FOR ENHANCING STEM CELL PHYSIOLOGY Inventors: Gitte S. Jensen and Christian Drapeau